Our journey to authentic visibility

Some of us didn’t only feel unseen maybe already from childhood onwards, but we also became a mirror for people close to us. We were very much in tune with their feelings, wants and needs, while the sense of ourselves became more and more obscured.

Maybe in a weird way, it’s as if seeing certain people too much, made seeing ourselves nearly impossible.

Or to put it in other words, we were abducted into someone else’s world without either the chance of creating our own, or leaving it behind to survive in a no win situation.

We weren’t just unseen, we at the same time weren’t able to see ourselves anymore.

Being authentic, expressing ourselves and therefore becoming visible was dangerous.

It might have been the child growing up with a narcissistic parent, being told they were too difficult and selfish, when they were showing up as themselves with own wants, needs, feelings.

These are tough journeys and often as grown up mature adults, there’s still this part, that feels hidden from us. Maybe in a way still being unable to see who we actually are.

Who are we, when we are not the bad one. The one who’s always at fault, the one who’s wrong, the one who’s bad. The scapegoat often.

In my own experience it is not only important to express ourselves in finding out who we are, but also finding the courage to become visible to the world out there.

As an artist it is one thing to create something, but it is another to show it to others. Both is really important. Especially when we have been a mirror for so long. Because by sharing our creative expressions we for once reflect out into the world, the world becoming a mirror instead of ourselves mirroring things back to others constantly.

You know what I mean?

What I am trying to say is, that by daring to become visible, as scary and painful it may be for some of us, because hiding feels safe and comfortable, it’s a great way of finally seeing ourselves clearly, one step at a time.

Becoming visible in an authentic way, doesn’t only enable some of us to create more opportunities for ourselves, to have our work acknowledged, but more importantly, it’s a way to feel seen by our SELVES.

We need to put ourselves out there, create some ripples and see what comes back, if we want to start claiming space again, instead of being abducted into other people’s visions, dreams and territories.

The journey to authentic visibility is a way to heal the often brilliant parts of ourselves, which had to hide for far too long! It’s claiming our space in this world, making an impact for a change, instead of just being solely impacted by others.

If you are interested in coming on this journey with me, let me know, I will be offering an introductory workshop soon.


To follow your own path is hard!


Is the ego really all bad?