A husky and her antiques

‘Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened’ - Anatole France

Let me preface this story a little for you. A few weeks ago, just before I was moving from Ireland to Portugal, I was lucky enough to dog sit for a friend of mine in Galway city. It was a great experience and within the week I had the pleasure getting to know Poppy and her husky personality a little better. I was so enamoured, that of course I had to sit down and write about her.


‘The first day, I went with Poppy on a walk, I was told follow her lead…, she insisted on us going into a coffee shop called Murray’s. Well, basically she dragged me in.  There was no arguing and she’s a strong dog, let me tell you, lol.

Of course she isn’t interested in the coffee, but the guaranteed treat she gets each time. Everybody knows her, everybody loves her. Some might have been a little bit confused, that it was Poppy, but not her owner.

Today, we went to another coffee shop Kali, where of course she also gets treats and she has her own ritual in there. Basically she gets so excited, that she jumps with her two front paws on to the coffee counter, demanding her treat with an exalted bark!

Poppy loves a drizzle of olive oil on top of her food, bread for some reason and if everything gets too boring food wise, scrambled eggs are guaranteed to lift the mood in an instant. I could witness it first hand yesterday with a happy dog smiley face.

Once more the world made sense in dog - husky - Poppy land! Thank God!

I also found out quickly, that she isn’t too fond of motor bikes, especially when they come on the side of the road facing her. She goes berserk, don’t ask me why.

Apart from that Poppy is boss:

‘Go into that little alley today, I want to meet my kid friends, who are waiting already. We need to walk through those flowers, it’s a must. Ah wait, I want to sniff at that pot with the herbs. You should know by now, I always have a very good sniff here. The smell, so lovely’

She’s a really endearing character and for sure the best housemate ever, that goes without saying.  Often Poppy loves to just lay down next to me, but if I dare to go to the car and start the engine, she comes running in a heartbeat.

One day, when I was taking pictures of my car and backed out a bit for a better angle. All for selling purposes, Poppy got very indignant with me. She came running towards the car, complaining loudly and saying:

‘What’s happening, I need to be in this car. Now, let’s go! What’s wrong with you, why are we not going?’

Basically I am amused, as well as entertained daily, while the time is diminishing and I will be heading for Portugal very soon.

I will miss the howling, growling and barking she does right before we go for a walk. It’s as if Poppy was singing her very own husky - dog - land melody.’


Talk with your doubt and be kind


Sometimes we need to leave