Sometimes we need to leave
Often we don’t know how unhealthy a certain situation or environment really has been for us, until we have removed ourselves completely from it.
While we are still dealing with the stressful situation we just somehow march on as best as we can and it is nearly impossible to gain perspective, while being immersed in the experience at hand.
It’s as if we forget, that there could be another way to live or that there might be something better out there, awaiting us.
If we just found the courage to step out, let go, begin again.
After all, this is what we know, this is what we got used to. At times we might even not have a choice, or feel like we don’t have a choice.
Another possibility could be, that we hang on to an outdated dream of ours for dear life, because we just don’t wanna admit to ourselves, that it didn’t work out like we hoped to.
Personally, I think I have been guilty of all of those things I just mentioned. Hanging on to an outdated dream, putting up with unhealthy situations, because I had the feeling of no choice.
The past three months have been incredibly taxing to say the least, but maybe as well an eye opener on some level. I was back in a house, where I had to share with several people, while knowing that we would be evicted by beginning of September.
Only when I finally moved out, did I notice how really taxing the past weeks had been for me, sharing with someone whose energy simply didn’t match with mine, as well as having completely different rhythms when it came to bed time etc.
Currently I am dog sitting for a friend of mine in a beautiful flat in Galway city centre and the difference is like night and day. I suddenly can hear myself think again, breathe again, basically be myself again.
Once and for all I need to admit to myself, that I get very influenced by people’s energies and that I simply can’t afford to have people in my immediate environment, who aren’t good for me or who are challenging to my nervous system.
Maybe it sounds weird to some of you, but this is the truth. And since I am dealing with autoimmune health issues, it’s even more important on many levels. Because I simply can’t afford to feel stressed constantly, since it makes everything worse.
A nourishing environment is key for me to feel centred, being able to deal with what else life throws at me.
It’s not enough, that a place looks fantastic, or a person appears nice and open on the outside, for me personally I need to feel at ease in the place I am going to live in, as well as feeling relaxed with the people I chose to surround myself with.
Anything and anyone else needs to be removed from my inner space to a space that’s further away from me, so that it doesn’t impact me so much.
The idea of having to endure an unhealthy situation or an outdated dream doesn’t sit very well with me these days anymore. Why and what for? Who’s benefiting?
Of course it is a great asset, being able to adapt to many different circumstances, situations and environments. At the same time, if we don’t watch it, it may become a default setting of ours, where we stay in unhealthy situations far too long, weathering the storm constantly.
But at the end of the day, we all deserve a nourishing environment, where we can thrive and there’s nothing wrong with setting out to create such one for ourselves, or doing everything possible, so that this can become a reality one day in the future.
The first step is to leave the unhealthy situation, gaining perspective. The second one, is getting very clear on what we will say no to in the future. And the third step is letting go and moving on graciously with all the confidence we can master up in our hearts.